A lot of people have been using the same insurance agent for years then when they buy a bike they call the agent up and add there motorcycle to their policy and that is the end of it. Chances are you didn't even ask about discounts because you have been using them for years and you assume that they gave you the best price. This is a huge mistake because they work off commission and you could be paying a lot more than you should.
So I hope the tips I listed below can help you get the best price and the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance rates possible.
Tips to get the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance:
- The biggest discount will come from getting motorcycle insurance quotes online. This will be fast and free to do so make sure you get several online motorcycle insurance estimate.
- Raise your motorcycle insurance deductible the higher the better. If you have a motorcycle insurance deductible at $250 and move it to $500 then you might save as much as 10%, however if you can afford to raise it up to $1,000 you could possibly save 20%. That is a huge savings. When getting your motorcycle insurance estimates you can play around with it and see what you save.
- Lets not forget that if you have a car or truck that if you combine all the policies together you will save even more money through a multi car discount.
- If you take a drivers safety course then you might be able to save even more. These are normally one day or 2 day courses and are well worth taking even if your a seasoned rider just to get the discount. So check with your local DMV about classes and schedule.
- Do not over insure your bike after all you will only receive market value on your motorcycle so keep that in mind when getting insurance.
- If you are a seasonal rider then you could get a discount for riding during the summer months only.
- If you live in a high crime rate area then this can cause your motorcycle insurance rates to go up.
Well i hope my tips help you get the cheapest motorcycle insurance estimate possible. So be safe and i will see you out on the road.