North Dakota Car Insurance
There are so many reasons to shop online for your North Dakota Car insurance estimate. The best reason is because most car insurance companies will give you a big discount. This car insurance discount varies but it can be as much as 20%. This is why I suggest you get several North Dakota car insurance estimates and compareprices. This will almost insure that you will get cheap North Dakota car insurance.
You must have comply with the state's mandatory financial responsibility law. This means that most people will have to have at least liability insurance.
Establish Financial Responsibility
While liability insurance is the most common means of covering your vehicle, it's not the only available option:
- If due to underwriting reasons you cannot get insurance, you can qualify for the North Dakota Automobile Insurance Plan. For information call (877) 251-3200.
- If you have 25 or more vehicles registered under your name, you may opt for self-insurance.
- $25,000―Per person
- $50,000―Per accident for bodily injury
- $25,000―Per accident for property damage
- $25,000 per person, $50,000 per accident―Uninsured motorist coverage
- $25,000 per person, $50,000 per accident― Under-insured motorist coverage
- $30,000―No-fault coverage
NOTE: Any vehicle with a current registration tag operated on any public road, highway or off-highway must be covered by insurance. This does include snowmobiles.
Proof of Insurance and Financial Responsibility
You must have an insurance identification card, provided by your insurance company or a letter certificate proving you're covered under the North Dakota Automobile Insurance Plan. If you are self insured you will need a letter or certificate proving you're self-insured.
Penalties for Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility
If you get pulled over by a police officer and have no proof of insurance, the penalties can be steep:
Driving without insurance is considered a Class B misdemeanor and comes with a minimum fine of $150.
If caught a second time, the state will impound your vehicle's plates until proof of insurance is presented.
If you're involved in an accident without insurance you'll be assessed 14 points on your license, which equates into an automatic suspension.