Saturday, July 14, 2012

Cheap Louisiana Car Insurance Estimate

Cheap Louisiana Car Insurance Estimate

Having car insurance is more important than ever in the state of Louisiana. If you're on a budget then it is very important to you to get a cheap Louisiana car insurance estimate. In 2004 in estimated 10% of the drivers in Louisiana were uninsured. This number has increased up over 13% and with the higher risk of being on the road comes new insurance laws. If you get
caught driving without Louisiana car insurance the penalties for first time

offenders is $75 to $100 fine. For second offense the fine will be $100 to $250. If you continue to drive without insurance the 3rd time it will be a $700 fine. In addition to these fines vehicle be towed and impounded and these costs will add up as well. But this is not all if you're in an accident in Louisiana and you do not have car insurance in Louisiana there's a no pay, play law. This means no matter whose fault it is if you don't have insurance the car insurance company does not have to pay you for the first $25,000 in property damage and the first $15,000 for crash related medical bills. So, do not drive without car insurance in Louisiana.

Minimum liability requirements for Louisiana car insurance
  • $15,000 per person for bodily injury or death.
  • $30,000 per accident for bodily injury or death.
  • $25,000 for property damage.
Now these are the bare minimums and I do recommend that you increase this coverage to cover all your financial responsibilities.

Tips to get Cheap Louisiana Car Insurance Quotes

A great way to save money and get cheap Louisiana car insurance quotes is to shop online for your car insurance. When you shop online for your car insurance, you save insurance companies money and they in return will pass the savings back to you in the form of discount.

Another good way to get a great car insurance estimate is to combine your policies. Combined your boat, house, motorcycle insurance, and your RV Insurance. Some insurance companies when you combine will save you up to 45% across the board. Now this is a great way to get cheap Louisiana car insurance.

It is even possible save money get cheap car insurance for young drivers. You might qualify for discount if you have a "B" average or better. This is because you are showing that insurance companies that you are responsible person.  If you do not have good grades you can still save and any one can do this take a driver safety course. This too can help you get a discount on your car insurance if you're young driver.

There are many ways to get a car insurance discount. So, what's keeping you from getting cheap Louisiana car insurance?