Monday, June 11, 2012

Cheap Colorado Car Insurance Estimate

Cheap Colorado Car Insurance Estimate

In the past it used to be so frustrating to try and get a cheap Colorado car insurance estimate. You have to spend at least an hour in an insurance agents office and we would just trust that we got the best price and never looked again. The good news is, today were able to shop online for car insurance in Colorado and it only takes about 15
minutes to get a car insurance estimate online. Plus there are a lot of discounts you can get when you shop online for your cheap car insurance in Colorado.

Colorado Car Insurance Liability Requirements

Now, I do not recommend that you get the bare minimum liability when you get your car insurance estimate. Even though this is the minimum state requirements that does not mean you have enough protection to cover your financial responsibilities.
  • $25,000 per person for bodily injury
  • $50,000 per accident for bodily injury
  • $15,000 per accident for property damage
Possible Discounts to get Cheap Car Insurance in Colorado

I do want you to know that not all car insurance companies will offer the same discount. So, I recommend that you get several quotes to get the cheapest Colorado car insurance quotes.

Good Driver Discounts - If you are a good driver I have seen discounts to get cheap car insurance in Colorado ranging from 10 to 20% and up.

Multi Car Discount - This can generate a possible 10 to 25% depending on the car insurance company. So, if you do have more than one vehicle combine them with the same company to save even more.

Drivers safety course - If you take a drivers safety course or a defensive driving course you can save and get a great discount with some companies. This is another great way to get a car insurance discount.

Teens can save too - There are even discounts to get the cheapest car insurance for young drivers. If you are a good student with a "B" average or better then you could possible get a discount. You might also be able to get a discount with taking a drivers safety course.

I hope this help you save money and get Cheap Colorado Car Insurance Estimate.