Note: Not all companies offer the same discounts on car insurance. The point of this possible discount list is to give you ideas on how to get discounts on car insurance. Like I talk in part 1 the best way to get dirt cheap car insurance is to get several online quotes. I recommend you get between 10 and 20 online car insurance estimates.
Car Insurance Discounts to get Dirt Cheap Car Insurance part 2 for Part 1 visit Auto Insurance Discounts:
- Clean driving record - If you have a clean driving record then you could get a big discount. Now car insurance companies normally only go back 5 years on your driving record. So, if you have had an accident in the past and its farther back than 5 years then you could get a discount on your car insurance. However, if you are with the same company that covered that accident you might not get the discount until you change companies.
- Security device or an alarm system - If you have an security device or an alarm installed on your car then make sure you let the agent know so this can help you get dirt cheap car insurance. Always remember you cant get a car insurance discount for some of these things unless you let them know. So, please ask if they offer discounts for having a security system.
- If your struggling maybe its time to make a big change - Chances are if you are married you have more than one car. One car is the family car, you know the one you use to go out to dinner with or shopping or to take the kids places. The second car is used for your spouse to get back and forth to work. If that sounds like your family, then why not sell the car you use to travel back and forth to work and get a cheaper car that only needs liability insurance or maybe a moped. If you travel 10 miles or less to work then why not get a moped. For one thing moped insurance is almost 50% less in some cases even more. Plus they are so cheap most likely you wont even have a payment. You can even save huge because of gas mileage. Yes these changes might sound strange however, if you really think about how much money you will save it might make since.
- Get liability insurance for an older car - If you have a high mileage older car that is payed off then you should consider dropping your full coverage and going with just liability insurance. This is because there placement value of the car won't be much more than your deducible and the money your paying for full coverage might just be a waste. If you are not sure of the value of your car then just ask your insurance agent and he should be able to tell you and he will be able to tell you how much you will get in case your car is totaled. these car insurance discounts might seem odd but the over all goal is meant to save you money.